Location: 41 Bridge St. W. Tillsonburg ON N4G 5P2
Phone: 519.842.6151
Hours: Monday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM​

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Recipients of The Tillsonburg BIA’s Dedicated Downtown Partner Award

Anna Armitage
It began in March 2020 and was completed in June 2020. It is cloth and thread, entirely hand stitched, with inclusions of photo printed coffee filters, tyvek, beads, felted wool, buttons, lace, and other little objects. This piece measures 5 feet 6 inches long by 6 inches wide.
“Evidence” is my Isolation Project number 3. I decided to move much slower in my artwork and picked up needle and thread and started to sew. My height is 5’6” so I wanted this piece to be a “measure” of myself and what I could do and say in slow stitch. There was no grand plan, I simply created in the moment. About halfway through, the title EVIDENCE was conceived. The inspiration was a post by a textile artist who, while visiting her dying father, did a lot of hand stitching at his side, which became her “evidence of a place in time”. This is evidence of my place in this time.

Gale Connor
My name is Gale Connor & I am an avid member of the Station Arts Centre, hold the position of President on the Board of Directors & head up an In-House Group called the Stationhouse Quilters & Fibre Artists. I have been quilting for about 8 years. I also belong to a group called Victoria’s Quilts that makes quilts for people battling cancer. Quilting has become a true love for me. My daughters have warned me that eventually they will have enough quilts but I disagree with this. Something this joyful needs to be expressed regularly. The quilt in this exhibit is a design of my own. My daughter has a cottage that she named “Dragonfly” &, since I fell in love with the dragonfly fabric, I had to create this quilt for her. I also have a quilt titled “Chain Letter” that is in a collaborative exhibit between The Station Arts Centre & Annandale National Historic Site. This exhibit is running concurrently with the Station’s exhibit.

Jan Grincevicius
Connected to Nature in Textile
Mixed Media Fibre Collage
Mixed media collage of rusted, natural dyed and indigo fabrics which are hand dyed. Fabrics include cotton, silk organza, linen and cheesecloth. It is embellished with hand stitches, paper and beading.

Linda Dineen
Fibre art; wet felted and needle felted wool roving with wool locks
16”H x 7”W x 7”D
This piece came to life after my 92 year old mother moved in with me during COVID lockdown; the first time we’d lived together in 47 years.
Rooted in love and family history, layers of overlapping memories are fused together to create the whole. Some memories are rough around the edges, others are wispy and fleeting, while others are firm in their recollection. The dark and the light stand together yet when shared unlock new understanding and perspective. Memories envelop and Embrace.

Mercedes Victoria
The Silence
Graphite and charcoal
18”x14”x1 1/4”
In this time of living through the unknown and the world collectively slowing it’s busy pace, silence can be experienced in two ways: as something to fear or as something to take comfort in. While people are slowly beginning to rediscover themselves and reconnect with the natural world, this communal silence can bring about an inner peace if we let it. Stop, take a breath, and allow yourself to simply experience the moment you are in.

Rosemary Nagel
Mother Earth
8" x 8" x 1 1/2"
Mixed Media
"As an artist, I seek to speak to the viewer through my mixed media work. I use found images, remove them from context, and re-arrange them to tell a story. I use acrylics, and found materials to generate thought and conversation regarding issues of global concern."

Vonnie Snyder
Safe At Home, Longing to Roam
12" x 12"
After several weeks of Stay At Home I realized that I was struggling. Motivation eluded me and I knew I needed to take action. I decided to start a Mini Art Challenge with some artist friends on Facebook. This would motivate me and hopefully help others too. Each week we took turns picking a theme. The theme for Safe at Home, Longing to Roam was to do a Gate or door. I used a photo of a sheep from a trip to Ireland many years ago. The sheep was safe but wistfully longing to be free from the enclosure and it mirrored my feelings. The mist on the hill behind also evokes the unknown of all that we have been experiencing.

Barbara Lowik
Stained glass with Zinc framing
22" diameter
Dragonflies have been know to symbolize change, transformation, swiftness and adaptability. They spend most of their lives as nymphs, and only spend a few months being able to fly. To me, this represents living in the moment, and taking in all we can, while we can.
Here we see seven dragonflies in colourful flight, each with two pair of strong iridescent wings.
When sunlight rests on the wings of a dragonfly, I believe in magic once again.

Heather Domke
Mixed Media Assemblage
10.75" x 11.25" x 3"
Using old photographs, ephemera, natural materials, antique lace and tatting bits and pieces I weave a story of fantasy or reality. I especially delight in creating works of art for others, composed with their photos and memorabilia.
As collage techniques and a variety of media carries their story forward in a pleasing and creative way, the work takes on new form branching into three dimensional pieces. It is the subject matter of each body of work that determines the materials and forms of each piece. This often leads to a series of evolution in multiple works as the story continues.
Apocalypse, the piece chosen for this virtual show, developed out of a small drawer out of my daughters old dressing table and the main character is a toy of my grandsons, left behind after his teen years. It is not directly a commentary on today's Covid 19 situation but certainly of the future that lies ahead of us.

Joe McGuire
Far Reach
Digital Image
This image is loosely inspired by Emily Kaldwin, a character in the award winning game
Dishonored 2. Modeled by Ray Billedeau. Emily is an empress with supernatural abilities
granted to her. Far Reach is the name given to one of those supernatural powers that help
her to reclaim her city with a great deal of stealth and mystery.
This is a digital image, and can be readily printed at roughly 13x19, perhaps higher.
Fuji X-E1, 7Artisans 25mm/1.8 lens

Margaret Trapnell
coloured pencil,
17.75 in x 15 in
The spring of 2019 was very wet making the tree fungus especially abundant. I often walk in Roth Park which is behind my home in Woodstock. This particular tree caught my eye so during this year’s shutdown, using my coloured pencils and a photo that I had taken, I tried to capture this scene of how all the parts of nature work in harmony.
Paul Belcher
The Dancers
Power coated reclaimed Steel, reclaimed Slate, Concrete
H 1.5m x W 1.0m x D 0.5m

Sue Goossens
Farm Gate
Unframed 20" x 13"
Framed 28" x 20"
The Farm Gate is a common sight in Rural Ontario. This example is a couple of kilometers from Sue's home.

Eric Olcsvary
Night Terrors - Looking Back
Acrylic Paint on Canvas
22” x 22” x 1”1/2
This artwork was made to let out something on the artist’s shoulders. Something foreseen in a dream and experienced through childhood. This house was painted to depict a confrontation of night terrors in a place meant to be comforting, however, when you look back on the comforting house there’s something that keeps you away. Does it have something to do with the caution tape? Maybe the oddly shaped clouds. Experienced in the past, remembered for the good or the bad, the artist lived it again through slumber, and now, through art.

Irma Makariunaite
March 2020
Mixed media with photographic transfer and acrylic
48' x 48”
This work was produced at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and is in part a product of my feelings triggered by the onset of the virus. It is also a part of a series that addresses feelings of isolation and adaptation within a new culture upon my arrival to Canada as a young child.
Beneath the top layers, I included photographic transfers of letters, which were written by and sent to me by my closest family members from overseas as I was growing up in a foreign.

Linda Campbell
Medium: Mixed Media
Size: 17.5”X19.5”X1/4”
Covid 19 has taken its toll on everyone. Being extremely ill in March followed by a long recovery period left me a bit broken and very much frayed on the edges. This piece is my first effort at being creative after my illness. Our world has certainly been fractured by our need to isolate and distance ourselves from everyone around us. Hopefully, the pieces will come back together without more pain. I am fortunate to be here and welcome each day with optimism.
This piece is hand painted and machine quilted.
Megan Colley
Forest Dreams
Pt. 1 & 2
(2 5" x7" in a diptych)
Watercolour & Ink
“These two pieces are from a series of experiments I did creating abstract forests with watercolour and iridescent ink. I wanted to stretch the boundaries of form in relation to landscape, and incorporate a bit of a whimsical twist to my usual style of painting. They come framed and matted.”
Paul Walker
I am inspired by the work of American artist Richard Estes. He painted scenes of New York City, many of which involved reflections in windows. So, one bright sunny day, my wife and I went looking for scenes involving reflections in London Ontario. While I was looking for close up reflections, and got some of those, this scene caught my eye. I like the way the reflections in the building blend and almost become one with the sky. And I hope the lower part of the painting makes you feel that you could step onto the street.

Tabitha Verbuyst
" 36"x48"
Oil on canvas
Making the focus of this work about the fragmented light that bounces from the concrete buildings to the reflection mirrored by the rain. I titled it Iridescent to pay homage to all the fantastic colours that bounce through this urban landscape.